Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chasing Harry Winston = 28 down, 72 to go

278 pages

So I never jumped on the very popular chick lit bandwagon, but this book was recommended to me as a good route of escapism for my day-to-day life.

I'll be honest right up front. I wasn't a big fan of this book. It was a fairly difficult read for me. It was a little too superficial and choppy for me. But there were a couple of saving graces - for me, this was primarily the friendship between three main characters.
No matter how many years passed or how much responsibility each assumed, they still managed to bicker like bitchy teenagers on a regular basis. In some way, though, each found it comforting; it reminded them how close they really were: Acquaintances were always on their best behavior, but sisters loved each other enough to say anything.
Every woman wants those close confidantes to whom she can share anything, say anything without filtering or worrying about bruising a fragile ego. While reality can put a slightly different skew on this, it's easy to desire this type of relationship. Luckily, I am blessed with a sister and a couple of very dear friends with whom I can have this type of relationship...and all without the "bitchy teenager bickering." That makes it even better.

And as I started my college career as an English major, I often fantasized about being a book editor. What better profession is there for someone who loves reading, dreams about being an author but figures she doesn’t have the discipline for it. Being a book editor seems the next best option.

So I enjoyed portions of Leigh’s character. She’s a rising star at a leading publisher. She is very forthright with a bad-boy author, who though he’s won a Pulitzer, she tells him his last book was horrible. Her boss is appalled at Leigh speaking her mind, but the author is taken with her glaringly honest response and demands that she edit his current literary project. When her boss shares the news with her, he quotes the author with this line:

"That girl has zero bullshit tolerance and so do I. I want to work with her."

Who can’t appreciate the term “zero bullshit tolerance?”

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